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In Koran, Jesus is mentioned more often than the prophet Muhammad



A Palestinian Muslim holds up a the Koran while attending a mass prayer event in the northern Gaza city of Beit Lahia. (Marco Longari, AFP/Getty Images / September 10, 2010)

There's a piece by Robin Abcarian in the L.A. Times today that enlightens the unenlightened about what the Koran's message is. What a novel idea, informing the uninformed, educating the uneducated, wising up the bigots.

So what exactly is in the dreaded Koran?

"It is the light from God to humanity. The healing of the broken hearts. And the skill to decipher right from wrong," said Dr. Maher Hathout, a senior advisor for the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

Oh my god! That's terrible! Healing? Right v. wrong? We must do something about this now!

I know! Spread the word! How's that for a solution?

Like the Bible...

Wait.  Brakes screeching. Sudden stop. Whiplash.

No way. "Like... the Bible"? Whaa? That kinda puts a crimp in the anti-Koran argument:

Like the Bible, the Koran teaches moral values and tells stories of prophets, such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ. Hathout said that the Koran [...] emphasizes three major themes: mercy, justice and the oneness of God and the human family.

Hide the kids! Pull out the Second Amendment! The Koran teaches moral val---

Um, no. Start again. New message to bigots:

Help! Get out the matches! The Koran teaches mercy---

Darn. One more time...

Grab your torches! The Koran's themes include family valu--

Crap. This anti-Koran strategery is not going well at all.

Akbar S. Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University in Washington:

"The Koran is often criticized in the West by people pulling out one verse or another to establish its violent nature," said Ahmed. "They will say the Koran says 'Fight the Jews and Christians and Muslim renegades,' but they leave out the next line — 'But make peace because God prefers peace….' "

Hmm, sounds like a pretty okay book. So what's all the fuss about again?

If the community center is moved, the message is, "America hates Muslims". If the Koran is burned, video will get out there, and the next message will be, "Kill Americans". In fact, the overkill (if you will) coverage of Pastor Lunatic and his sick message has already achieved that push to the next message.

It would be awfully helpful if people would start learning the facts instead of swallowing the lies. Then again, it's been awhile since the news [sic] dee jays stuck to the facts. And nutballs like Pastor Lunatic never have.


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